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Sonst. PersonenMuscott, Howard S. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAssociation of New York State Educators of the Emotionally Disturbed, Hawthorne.
TitelProsocial Skills Training for Children with Emotional Disturbances (ED) and Behavioral Disorders (BD): The Journey of 1,000 Miles Begins with the First Few Steps.
Quelle24 (1988) 1, (31 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAggression; Behavior Disorders; Curriculum; Drama; Elementary Secondary Education; Emotional Disturbances; Generalization; Interpersonal Competence; Interpersonal Relationship; Mainstreaming; Program Design; Relaxation Training; Social Cognition; Training Methods
AbstractThis special theme issue of the journal "Perceptions" is devoted to the topic of prosocial skills training for emotionally disturbed and behavior disordered children and adolescents. Following an introductory editorial by Howard Muscott, Richard Neel discusses factors that impede the development and inclusion of comprehensive social skills programs in educational curricula and suggests changes in instructional targets and program design. Next, Ellen McGinnis tackles critical issues in social skills training, including efficacy, substance versus packaging in teaching social competence, social skills training for non-special education students, and student-based considerations (nonverbal social cues, generalization, and maintenance). Howard Muscott then reviews evaluative literature on mainstreaming in relationship to the social interaction skills of behavior disordered students. A radio interview with Arnold Goldstein, regarded as the developer of structured learning, is excerpted by Herbert Foster, and Dr. Goldstein describes PREPARE, a prosocial curriculum for aggressive youth, in the following article. Cynthia Warger discusses strategies for promoting social interaction through creative drama activities. In a final article, John Maag gives an overview of relaxation training, including recommendations and guidelines for incorporating relaxation exercises into social skills training programs. (JW)
AnmerkungenAssociation of New York State Educators of the Emotionally Disturbed (ANYSEED), 14 Maple St., Scottsville, NY 14546.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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