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Autor/inn/enHull, Daniel M.; Lovett, James E.
InstitutionCenter for Occupational Research and Development, Inc., Waco, TX.
TitelRobotics/Automated Systems Task Analysis and Description of Required Job Competencies Report. Task Analysis and Description of Required Job Competencies of Robotics/Automated Systems Technicians.
Quelle(1985), (223 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Automation; Core Curriculum; Course Descriptions; Curriculum Development; Educational Research; Electromechanical Technology; Job Analysis; Job Skills; Learning Modules; Manufacturing; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Robotics; Technical Education; Technological Advancement; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis task analysis report for the Robotics/Automated Systems Technician (RAST) curriculum project first provides a RAST job description. It then discusses the task analysis, including the identification of tasks, the grouping of tasks according to major areas of specialty, and the comparison of the competencies to existing or new courses to determine the suitability of the course to a new curriculum for robotics/automated systems. Division of courses into modules is also discussed. A sample seven-quarter RAST program course sequencing chart is provided. Following the five-page narrative are extensive appendixes. Appendix A lists the competencies--both terminal and enabling--required of a RAST. Appendix B, Section 1, contains course descriptions for the core of courses common to several areas of specialty. A description of each specialty course is included in Appendix B, Section 2. Each course is described by a brief narrative stating purpose and goals for student learning. Course outlines, a listing of student competencies, and a list of recommended texts follow. Sample modules are provided for specialty courses. Appendix C contains brief descriptions of physics modules changes to include principles required for RAST training. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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