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Autor/inn/enRubin, Rhea Joyce; und weitere
InstitutionIllinois Univ., Urbana. Library Research Center.
TitelAn Evaluation for System-Provided Library Services to State Correctional Centers in Illinois.
Quelle(1983), (206 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Responsibility; Correctional Institutions; Interviews; Law Libraries; Library Planning; Library Role; Library Services; Prison Libraries; Program Evaluation; Regional Libraries; State Agencies; State Libraries; Use Studies
AbstractThis comprehensive evaluation report is based on site visits to 13 adult and 8 juvenile correctional centers and interviews with library staff, prison staff, and residents in 1982. An introduction presents a historical overview of library services to Illinois correctional institutions, a literature review, and a discussion of the methodology of the study. Separate chapters then examine the responsibilities at the system level and the state level, including the Illinois State Library, the Illinois Department of Corrections, the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, and the Department of Corrections School District. Additional chapters discuss library outreach, the legal framework for prison libraries, general comments and recommendations on the law libraries, reflections on corrections theories, and the Illinois plan. A summary presents 61 major recommendations, and suggestions for future research and a selected bibliography are provided. Appendices include the interview forms used, a summary of inmates' responses to interview questions, a summary of responses to the correctional library survey, a comparative analysis of holdings of law libraries in Illinois Correctional Centers in 1982, and a proposed photocopy policy (1981). (LMM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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