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Autor/inZimmerman, Woodford W.
InstitutionOhio State Univ. Lima Campus. Office of Institutional Research.
TitelFaculty Morale Study (1981). The Ohio State University at Lima Self-Study Report No. 1. Institutional Research Series 1981.
Quelle(1981), (41 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Environment; College Faculty; Faculty College Relationship; Multicampus Colleges; Questionnaires; School Surveys; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Morale; Two Year Colleges
AbstractIn 1971, 1975, and 1981, studies of faculty morale were conducted at the Ohio State University at Lima (OSU Lima). Faculty members were asked to assess their morale in relation to their college position; to evaluate campus conditions related to remuneration and benefits, teaching and research, relations with the central OSU campus, facilities and services, and miscellaneous factors; and to identify the most and least important contributors to faculty morale. Based on responses from 35 of 41 faculty members surveyed, the 1981 study revealed that: (1) 97% of the respondents indicated that their general morale was average, high, or very high; (2) salary was considered the major fiscal consideration related to morale and was viewed as "somewhat favorable" by 54% of the respondents; (3) campus setting, colleagues' competence, and instructional independence were viewed most favorably by the respondents, while opportunities for outside employment, cultural opportunities, and climate and location were viewed least favorably; (4) the factors identified as being most important in relation to morale were salary, instructional independence, and student motivation, while the least important factors were viewed as opportunities for outside employment and student assistance; and (5) 70% of the respondents were optimistic or very optimistic about their future at OSU Lima. The study report includes comparisons with the earlier studies and the 1981 survey instrument. (HB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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