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Autor/inn/enBostrom, K.; und weitere
InstitutionLeeds Univ. (England).
TitelAn Evaluative Study of the Effects and Effectiveness of Microcomputer Based Teaching in Schools.
Quelle(1982), (52 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Assisted Instruction; Computer Programs; Decision Making; Evaluation Criteria; Foreign Countries; Instructional Materials; Interviews; Microcomputers; Program Effectiveness; Questionnaires; Secondary Education; Secondary School Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Use Studies; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractSecondary teachers' evaluation and classroom utilization of computer assisted instruction (CAI) packages were studied. Following selection of 91 CAI programs in math, science, geography, and economics, teachers in four secondary schools examined and, where appropriate, used the programs in classrooom teaching. Teachers' opinions and judgments were collected using interviews and questionnaires. Although 28 programs were judged to be of interest, only 15 programs were used. Data were collected from 22 lessons during a 6-month period using classroom observation schedules, pupil questionnaires, and teacher interviews. Though the programs were judged effective, difficulties in pupil pretraining and class administration were often underestimated. An extensive evaluative study was undertaken in one school, with 14 classes using math programs and 6 microcomputers. Posttest results favored CAI groups, though not significantly. Overall, the project showed initial interest in CAI, but indicated the need to maintain interest through relevant program/curriculum developments, appropriate training courses, and complementary research programs. This study report includes 15 references and 3 appendices containing a list of available CAI programs, data collection instruments, and a summary of the classroom interaction scheme. (LMM)
AnmerkungenJ. R. Hartley, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, Yorkshire, UK (1 British pound plus postage).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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