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Autor/inRussell, Anne L.
TitelWhy Use Media Materials in University Instruction? Personal Beliefs of Selected Professors.
Quelle(1982), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudiovisual Aids; Audiovisual Instruction; College Faculty; College Instruction; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Developed Materials; Teaching Methods; Use Studies; Australia
AbstractPersonal beliefs concerning the use of media materials in university instruction were examined in this descriptive, interview-based study of 10 selected university professors. Hour-long interview tapes were content analyzed to discover reasons why these university professors chose to support their verbal lectures with media materials. Though 70 percent of the respondents were untrained in instructional media use, all felt media materials are essential for effective teaching; e.g., they provide variety, change of pace, and focus for transferring conceptual information in a manner that caters to individual student learning styles, and the media experiences shared by the entire class provide valuable discussion starters. Respondents' preference for using personally developed media materials has important implications for financial administrators, instructional media center directors, media librarians, and educational technologists. Funds and facilities should be allocated to enable teaching faculty members to produce personally relevant media materials to integrate within their instruction. This report includes 12 references. (Author/LMM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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