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Autor/inThompson, Ronald L.
InstitutionWisconsin Div. of Highway Safety, Madison.
TitelWisconsin Bicycle Driver Training Course. Instructor's Handbook.
Quelle(1979), (93 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Accident Prevention; Behavioral Objectives; Bicycling; Curriculum Guides; Driver Education; Equipment; Equipment Evaluation; Equipment Maintenance; First Aid; Inspection; Instructional Materials; Objective Tests; Performance Tests; Safety Education; Skill Development; Teaching Guides; Traffic Accidents; Traffic Control; Traffic Safety; Vocational Education; Workbooks; Wisconsin
AbstractDesigned for use by trained and certified instructors of a voluntary bicycle driver training course, this handbook provides materials for eight one-hour sessions for beginners or experienced bicyclists. Part 1, Instructor's Guidelines, discusses course objectives, organization, and content; instruction methods; and audiovisual materials. Part 2 contains the course outline for the eight sessions: course orientation; rights and rules; bicycle types, selection, and equipment; operation skills; hazard identification and avoidance; maintenance; bikeways and first aid; and final examination. Each section includes material/text with instructor hints, behavioral objectives, homework assignments, references to optional films, and optional or required "on-the-bicycle" and "on-the-road" experience or skill tests. The final examination and answer sheet are provided. Appendixes, amounting to approximately one-half of the handbook, include the companion student workbook with all exercises and answers, extensive volunteer instructor guidelines, and a dictionary of cycling terms. Under resources are found a listing of books, pamphlets, and manuals; an annotated bibliography of bicycle safety films; and lists of film vendors, books, periodicals, and Wisconsin bicycle clubs. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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