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Autor/invon Zur-Muehlen, Max
TitelFull- and Part-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Enrolment by Level and Field of Study and Selected Disciplines, during the Sixties and Seventies. Part II.
Quelle(1977), (93 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; College Programs; College Students; Educational History; Enrollment Trends; Foreign Countries; Full Time Students; Graduate Students; Higher Education; Majors (Students); Part Time Students; Statistical Data; Trend Analysis; Undergraduate Students; Universities; Canada
AbstractThe enrollment pattern at Canadian universities during the period 1962-1963 through 1974-1975 was studied for eight fields of study and 60 to 70 disciplines. Undergraduate, master's, and doctoral enrollment for both full- and part-time students during this period was examined. During this twelve-year period, the total full-time undergraduate enrollment increased from 130,000 to 295,000, with slightly more than half of the enrollment in the arts and science field. Part-time undergraduate enrollment for credit students increased from 39,000 to 138,000 during the same period. The number of full-time graduate students, at both the master's and doctoral levels, increased from 8,200 to 29,400 during the period 1962-1963 through 1969-1970, while the number of part-time graduate students tripled from 4,100 to 12,900. The greatest part of this increase was in the humanities and social sciences. During the period 1970-1971 through 1974-1975, full-time master's enrollment increased only from 20,600 to 21,300, with an actual decline in 1972-1973 and 1973-1974. The decline occurred particularly in the natural sciences, while the social sciences showed the greatest increase. Full-time doctoral enrollment declined from 10,000 to 9,100 between 1970-1971 and 1974-1975, while part-time enrollment increased from 2,500 to 3,700. Although the total number of doctoral students remained about the same, enrollment in education and the social sciences increased, while enrollment in mathematics and physical sciences and engineering and applied sciences declined. Forty-five tables present detailed data on full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate level enrollment by field of study and by discipline over the twelve-year period. (SC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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