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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNational Evaluation Systems, Inc., Amherst, MA.
TitelSupportive Services for Special Needs Students in Mainstreamed Vocational Education Programs: Guidelines for Implementation.
Quelle(1979), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Ancillary Services; Career Counseling; Costs; Disadvantaged Youth; Educational Media; Employment Opportunities; Guidelines; Guides; Handicapped Students; Identification; Individualized Programs; Job Placement; Mainstreaming; Prevocational Education; Resource Centers; Student Characteristics; Teacher Role; Vocational Education Teachers; Vocational Followup; West Virginia
AbstractDesigned for vocational instructors and local school administrative personnel, these guidelines suggest ways for improving the vocational education of mainstreamed special needs students by providing supportive services to best meet visually handicapped, orthepedically impaired, seriously emotionally disturbed, or learning disabled). The first of six sections discusses the identification of and prescription for students with special needs. Section 2 relates instructional supportive services and the role of the vocational instructor. The third section expands upon the relationship of guidance and counseling services and the role of the vocational instructor. Section 4 discusses the identification of job opportunities, job placement, and follow-up services and the role of the vocational instructor. The fifth section describes corrective and other supportive services designed specifically for those students with physical related problems and supportive services available outside the local school. The final section describes funding provisions for excess costs involved in providing supportive services for special needs students in regular vocational education programs. A sample listing of out-of-school support agencies providing support to persons with disabilities is given. (LRA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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