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Autor/inn/enGorter, Sandy; Collins, Thomas R.
InstitutionMercer County Community Coll., Trenton, NJ.
TitelOne Year and Four Years Later...1977: A Study of Graduates from 1976 and 1973.
Quelle(1978), (74 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAge; Articulation (Education); Associate Degrees; Community Colleges; Educational Assessment; Educational Objectives; Employment Patterns; Followup Studies; Graduate Surveys; Institutional Research; Majors (Students); Participant Satisfaction; Relevance (Education); Student Interests; Transfer Students; Two Year Colleges; Vocational Education
AbstractData from a one-year follow-up survey of 1976 Mercer County Community College (MCCC) graduates and a four-year follow-up survey of 1973 graduates were compared and contrasted with similar data from surveys of 1975 and 1972 graduates. Response rates were 65% (740 responding) and 54% (580 responding), respectively, for the 1976 and 1973 graduates. The survey instrument elicited information on students' age, place of residence, educational objectives, college major, and present activities, with special emphasis on employment information. The survey results were used to assess MCCC's attainment of its goals with respect to 14 indicators in areas of student occupational/career development; student educational/career development; and student satisfaction with their preparation for jobs or four-year college transfer, admissions and registration procedures, instruction and programs, and student personnel services. Findings revealed that: 67% of the 1976 and 84% of the 1973 graduates were employed full-time; 29% of the 1976 and 7% of the 1973 graduates were enrolled full-time in degree programs; employment was stated to be related to their course of study by 83% of the 1976 and 63% of the 1973 employed graduates; and of the graduates who transferred, 14% of the 1976 graduates and 9% of the 1973 graduates had difficulty transferring to another college. Appendices contain tabular data. (MB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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