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Autor/inShepherd, Terry R.
InstitutionSouthern Illinois Univ., Carbondale. Dept. of Linguistics.
TitelThe Language-Experience Approach as a Means to Reading Proficiency and Language Proficiency in First and Second Languages. Occasional Papers on Linguistics, No. 1.
Quelle(1977), (20 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunication Skills; Communicative Competence (Languages); Elementary Education; English Instruction; Individualized Instruction; Language Acquisition; Language Experience Approach; Language Instruction; Language Proficiency; Language Skills; Learning Activities; Learning Experience; Psycholinguistics; Reading Ability; Second Language Learning; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis paper suggests an approach to communication skills which views these skills, in first and second language acquisition, as related, integrated "language-experiences." Three examples of language-experience situations are presented, the first dealing with native language acquisition, and the other two with second language learning. Thirty-two suggestions are given for implementing this technique, including the following: (1) begin with meaningful student activity; (2) start with the known and move gradually toward the unknown; (3) utilize many and varied experiences; (4) make the experience as concrete and participatory as possible; (5) keep it relevant and interesting; (6) precede written expression with oral expression and do not isolate communication skills by mode; and (7) provide models if the learner is unable to create language for a given experience. Disadvantages to this method include: (1) it is time-consuming; (2) it lacks structure and vocabulary control; and (3) it requires leaving the classroom. Advantages include: (1) it is a form of individualized instruction; (2) it is very interesting to students; (3) it is easily integrated with other curricular subjects and cultural elements; and (4) it provides valuable information about the child's ability to produce language. (AM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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