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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enCibois, Philippe; Markiewicz-Lagneau, Janina
InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France).
TitelStudents in Short-Cycle Higher Education: France, Great Britain and Yugoslavia.
Quelle(1976), (188 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Demand; Educational Supply; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Postsecondary Education; Statistical Data; Student Characteristics; Student Motivation; Vocational Education; France; United Kingdom; United Kingdom (Great Britain); Yugoslavia
AbstractCharacteristics of students attending short-cycle institutions are explored in this OECD study in order to facilitate effective planning and policy decisions concerning the whole postsecondary system. Focus is on the students' social and educational background, motivations and expectations, and a comparison of these characteristics with the original and formal objectives that determined the creation of the short-cycle institutions. In view of the conceptual, methodological, and resource problems involved in such an international project as this, coverage was limited to a small but representative number of countries and institutions. Three types of institutions are examined: the polytechnics in the United Kingdom; the University Institutes of Technology (IUT) in France; and the Two-Year Postsecondary schools (Visa Skole) in Yugoslavia. Results of this study suggest that it is not possible to promote short-cycle higher education to such prestige that a significant number of students will choose it. As long as both long and short systems of higher education continue to exist side by side, it is not possible to have high-level vocational education that also caters to a large number of students. If its level is high, it tends to become longer; if short and appealing to a large mass of students, its level will be lower. (LBH)
AnmerkungenOrganisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris, France ($8.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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