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Autor/inJones, Alvin H.
TitelGraduate Programs for Black and Asian Graduate Students in Pupil Personnel Services.
Quelle(1974), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBlack Students; Community Involvement; Counselor Training; Cultural Differences; Cultural Pluralism; Educational Objectives; Educationally Disadvantaged; Financial Support; Graduate Study; Minority Groups; Program Development; Pupil Personnel Workers; Racial Discrimination; Speeches
AbstractSeveral studies have shown that public schools in the United States are staffed with counselors and teachers who have a limited cultural understanding of black and other minority students. Moreover, racist attitudes have permeated all levels of the educational system, preventing the development of programs that would help black students to attain higher education and thereby help their people. The federal Education Professions Development Act (EPDA) was a progressive step in re-evaluating educational goals. The EPDA California center, one of seven centers created under the program, has tried to establish an advanced degree program which has a multi-cultural curriculum designed to train a new kind of pupil personnel worker. A major stress has been on on-site instruction and an effort to enlist effective community participation in higher education. The author suggests the need to introduce courses which reflect the cultural characteristics of all ethnic groups and explain the differences among various cultures in various parts of the country. Moreover, minority communities should be actively involved in the educational process, and financial aid to minority students should be increased. Finally, the suggested program would require a longer preparation period than do traditional programs. (SE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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