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Autor/inPhay, Robert E.
InstitutionTennessee Univ., Knoxville. Educational Opportunities Planning Center.
TitelSchool Law: An Overview of Recent and Pending Court Action. Student Rights, School Finance and School Desegregation (With Emphasis on Student Rights).
Quelle(1972), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCourt Litigation; Discipline; Due Process; Educational Finance; Equal Protection; School Desegregation; School Law; Student Attitudes; Student Responsibility; Student Rights; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis speech, a transcript from the tape of the original presentation at a session of the School Law Conference held at the University of Tennessee reviews recent and pending court decisions in three active areas of School Law; school finance, school desegregation, and student rights, with an emphasis on the issues encompassing the latter. The Serrano v. Priest case covers the area of school finance, while the Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenberg and Richmond cases, along with President Nixon's proposed Anti-Busing Program constitute the desegregation area. The courts' reexamination and redefinition of students' rights reflect a problem area of school law. Court decisions reviewed are separated into two categories: substantive due process, dealing with specifics such as demonstrations, underground newspapers, dress, damage or destruction of property, weapons on school grounds, and others; and procedural due process. To supplement the minimum standards that exist to satisfy the latter's unfixed requirements, the adoption of a procedure code to handle expulsion cases is urged. Major provisions of such a code as a way of defining student rights to procedural due process are specified. (AM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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