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Erweiterte Literatursuche

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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inAldrich, Ruth Anne
InstitutionMinneapolis Public Schools, Minn. Southeast Alternatives Program.
TitelMarcy Open School: 1973-1974 Goal Evaluation.
Quelle(1974), (63 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; Affective Objectives; Educational Environment; Educational Objectives; Elementary Education; Evaluation Methods; Experimental Schools; Formative Evaluation; Individualized Instruction; Integrated Curriculum; Language Ability; Mathematics Curriculum; Nontraditional Education; Open Education; Student Responsibility
AbstractMarcy Open School has developed an educational reality where students are given freedom to be creative within a structured curriculum. Reflective of this philosophy are the three priority goals developed by Marcy staff and parents which are: (1) We want girls and boys to speak, listen, write, read, and deal with mathematical concepts effectively and confidently and in order for them to gain proficiency and enjoyment, these skills should be practiced widely as the child pursues his interests and seeks answers to his problems in school and out; (2) We expect that children will take more responsibility for their own learning in all areas--social, academic, and physical; and (3) We hope that children will increase their understanding of their individual rights and the rights of others. In order to accomplish these objectives, effort has been made to create a facilitative learning environment, which includes specially designed spaces with a variety of materials and activities and exploration of community resources. Adult-child interactions are stressed. Quantitative information on student academic achievement is based on standardized tests and qualitative information on participant evaluation. Although Marcy has succeeded in a fully integrated curriculum, questions have been raised on whether such integration is always desirable. (BJG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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