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Autor/inn/enFowler, Robert A.; Hummel, Theodore W.
TitelCareerism: How to Select a Successful Career.
Quelle(1971), (161 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Choice; Career Development; Career Guidance; Career Ladders; Career Opportunities; Career Planning; Employee Attitudes; Employer Attitudes; Employment Interviews; Interpersonal Relationship; Labor Needs; Occupational Aspiration; Occupational Information; Personnel Selection; Promotion (Occupational)
AbstractThe major reason men and women become dissatisfied is they did not know the right questions to ask when they initially started looking for a career, and consequently received misguided and/or incorrect answers. "Careerism," a new approach to the subject of career opportunities, "put it all together" and "tells it like it is," providing instant experience by posing questions every career seeker must ask and must get a straight answer: What occupations and industries suffered in 1970? Which ones look good for the 70's and '80's? Which ones will phase out? Provide the greatest opportunity for rapid advancement? Pay well? What should you look for in a company, an industry, a boss? Why have some individuals enjoyed success, while others equally qualified, have not? Who can help you in your career, and who can kill it? "Careerism" is based primarily on the true experiences of real live people. Everybody remembers somebody that does well in life; "Careerism" is dedicated to helping you "put it all together" and "to do your best thing." (Author)
AnmerkungenWWWW/Information Services, Inc., 1595 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. 14620 ($1.25; quantities, $0.75)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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