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Sonst. PersonenMercer, R. J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionClemson Univ., SC. Vocational Education Media Center.; South Carolina State Dept. of Education, Columbia. Office of Vocational Education.
TitelPulpwood Harvesting: A Curriculum Guide. Preliminary Draft 1973.
Quelle(1973), (179 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Agricultural Education; Agricultural Machinery; Agricultural Machinery Occupations; Agricultural Production; Course Content; Course Objectives; Curriculum Guides; Educational Resources; Forestry; Forestry Occupations; Harvesting; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Lumber Industry; Secondary Education; Secondary School Curriculum; Unit Plan
AbstractA brief introductory section contains the rationale for the course, the curriculum framework, a curriculum paradigm which indicates the approximate time ranges for each section, and notes on use of the guide. The guide itself is divided into units and subunits covering the following areas: Orientation to Pulpwood Harvesting; Tree Identification; Buying Pulpwood Timber (cruising, planning the legal aspects, establishing price, and exploring careers); Harvest Planning and Management (system selection, machinery and equipment selection, operational planning, cost analysis, records and insurance, and exploring careers); Harvest Operations (felling, limbing, and bucking, skidding and prehauling, loading and hauling, and exploring careers); and Pulpwood Mechanics (general shop skills, engine principles, small gasoline engines, engine troubleshooting and repair, hydraulics, major systems of a vehicle, machinery and equipment maintenance, and exploring careers). The material covered is presented under four headings: objectives, learning activities, topics, and resources. Additional resources are listed at the end of each subunit. Appendixes include a list of necessary facilities and equipment, a partial listing of professional and technical organizations, and a bibliography. (SA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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