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Autor/inn/enKleve, Gerald L.; und weitere
InstitutionMinnesota State Dept. of Education, St. Paul. Div. of Instruction.
TitelCareer Education in the Elementary School.
Quelle(1974), (84 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Education; Educational Objectives; Elementary Education; Guidance Programs; Program Content; Program Descriptions; Publications; School Guidance
AbstractThis monograph attempts to answer some of the most commonly asked questions concerning career education: (1) What is career education?; (2) Why do we need career education?; (3) When and where does career education take place?; Also outlined are the goals of elementary education and how the development of career education awareness can fit into an elementary school curriculum. Some career awareness activities are included, as well as a discussion on career awareness and elementary school guidance in perspective, descriptions of some exemplary career education projects, and a selected career education bibliography. (LP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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