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Autor/inOlds, Dan W.
InstitutionWofford Coll., Spartanburg, SC.
TitelA Program for Simulated Thermodynamic Experiments.
Quelle(1973), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Assisted Instruction; Data Analysis; Higher Education; Laboratories; Laboratory Experiments; Physics; Program Descriptions; Science Curriculum; Science Experiments; Science Instruction; Simulation; Thermodynamics; Undergraduate Study
AbstractA time-sharing FORTRAN program is described. It was created to allow a student to design and perform classical thermodynamic experiments on three models of a working substance. One goal was to develop a simulation which gave the student maximum freedom and responsibility in the design of the experiment and provided only the primary experimental results, thereby affording him practice in planning and data analysis. The specific purpose was to develop a program the student could use to perform simulated thermodynamics experiments. The decisions about experimental variables to measure and control, and the values to use, were made by the student, although they could have been added to the program. An attempt was made to provide, as output, only those variables which are directly measurable in the laboratory. For example, if an assignment required the measurement of the specific heat vs. temperature curve for a given substance, the student must accept the limiting fact that specific heat is not directly measurable and must define what other parameters to measure, what conditions to use, and what analysis to make. (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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