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Autor/inn/enOlmstead, Joseph A.; und weitere
InstitutionHuman Resources Research Organization, Alexandria, VA.
TitelComponents of Organizational Competence: Test of a Conceptual Framework.
[Report No.: HumRRO-TR-73-19
Quelle(1973), (117 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Education; Leadership Training; Military Science; Military Training; Models; Organizational Development; Simulation
AbstractThe study was designed to identify and isolate critical organizational processes that influence the effective performance of command and control functions in complex organizations, with the aim of improving ability to control these factors. A framework was developed based on "Organizational Competence"--the capacity of an organization to cope with continuously changing environments--and a supporting method of study was discussed. Analysis was based on seven critical processes constituting the "Adaptive-Coping Cycle". Ten 12-man groups of experienced Army officers participated in an eight-hour role simulation of a light infantry battalion engaged in combat operations. It was concluded that Organizational Competence is a principal determinant of effectiveness, that an organization's ability to respond flexibly to pressures and changes in its environments is related to its competence, and that proficient performance of the identified processes improves effectiveness. A 17-item bibliography is included. (AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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