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Autor/inn/enBrown, Edward B.; Dutton, Donnie
InstitutionMemphis State Univ., TN.
TitelThe Summer of 72: An Assessment of the Adult Basic Education Institutes in Tennessee, 1972.
Quelle(1972), (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Credit Courses; Data Collection; Evaluation Methods; Inservice Teacher Education; Institutes (Training Programs); Instructional Materials; Material Development; Participant Characteristics; Participant Satisfaction; Professional Personnel; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires; Reading Instruction; School Counseling; Tennessee
AbstractThree 2-week Adult Basic Education (ABE) Institutes were conducted in Tennessee during the summer of 1972. The three were an ABE Guidance and Counseling Institute, an ABE Materials and Teaching Institute, and an ABE Reading Institute. Each institute consisted of approximately 30 participants from the various regions of the state, and graduate credit was given for successfully completing each institute. The institutes served as teacher-training sessions, with the participants expected to conduct regional in-service workshops during 1972-1973 to disseminate information obtained in the institutes. Each of the institutes is discussed in some detail, with such facets as objectives, material covered, personnel used to facilitate learning, participants, and evaluation presented. The overall finding was that the three ABE institutes were successful. The appendix provides a copy of the evaluation form completed by the participants, as well as a copy of the Kropp-Verner Evaluation Scale. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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