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Autor/inKilbane, Marian T.
TitelDevelopment of an Instrument to Assess Attitudes of High School Students in Compensatory Programs.
Quelle(1972), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Attitude Measures; Compensatory Education; Dropouts; Factor Analysis; Grade 10; Grade 7; High School Students; Junior High School Students; Measurement Instruments; Research Design; Research Methodology; Self Concept; Sex Differences; Social Attitudes; Student Attitudes; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis paper describes the development of the Survey of Pupil Opinion, an attitude-assessment instrument adapted to the reading and "palatability" levels of high school students in compensatory programs. An initial pool of 100 items assumed to reflect "attitude toward school" was reduced to a 30-item instrument. Results revealed that, for each of three factors--social participation, perception of teachers, and self as student--the lowest mean score was obtained by the students who later dropped out of school. A copy of the instrument and tabulations and a graph of the three factor mean scores and the total mean score are included. (Author/DG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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