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Autor/inWolf, Stefan
TitelA dynamic concept of culture as a new approach to investigate the gap between schooling, vocational training system and the youth.
QuelleAus: Rauner, Felix (Hrsg.); Smith, Erica (Hrsg.); Hauschildt, Ursel (Hrsg.); Zelloth, Helmut (Hrsg.): Innovative apprenticeships. Promoting successful school-to-work transitions. 17-18 September 2009, Turin, Italy. Conference proceedings. Berlin u.a.: Lit (2009) S. 63-68
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ReiheBildung und Arbeitswelt. [23]
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen; Literaturangaben S. 67-68
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterKultur; Unterricht; Berufspädagogik; Berufsschule; Differenz; Benachteiligter Jugendlicher
AbstractThe following essay provides a short summary of the predominant aspects of the shifts in German educational system. Drawing on classroom observations, this paper claims that the oft-cited deficit perspective, which places the blame of deficiencies on students, cannot be sustained and that discrepancies between the school and the disposition of the students have to be taken into consideration. Using the concept of culture to examine vocational training offers a new and dynamic way to locate the variety of causes for these shifts and the phenomena attached to them, as well as a means to rearrange and apply them differently. Re-analysing some studies with the concept of culture as a heuristic toolkit shows the potential of the new approach. In conclusion the author proposes research activities using this toolkit to enlighten specific relationship between cultural factors of influence and teaching and learning processes in vocational schools. (Orig.).
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