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Autor/inn/enFenton, Ray; Crumb, Jeanmarie
InstitutionAnchorage School District, AK.
TitelAlaskan Native Early School Leavers: Update.
Quelle(1984), (26 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Persistence; Alaska Natives; American Indian Education; Attendance; Dropout Characteristics; Dropout Prevention; Dropout Rate; Dropouts; Influences; Parent School Relationship; Program Effectiveness; Relevance (Education); School Districts; School Holding Power; School Surveys; Secondary Education; Student Attitudes; Student Attrition; Student Needs; Student School Relationship; Withdrawal (Education); Alaska (Anchorage)
AbstractThe number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who leave the Anchorage School District without graduating or transferring to another school system has shown a slight but steady decline since the completion of "Alaskan Native Early School Leavers Study" in May 1982. The reasons for students leaving school have remained much the same--poor attendance, poor grades, and problems that arise at home or in the community. The District has made some positive changes in the areas that were identified in the "School Leavers Study," and more changes are being considered. The staff in District secondary schools who work most closely with students who are in trouble are making an effort to help students and to keep parents informed. The Indian Education Program community counselors and Cook Inlet Native Association staff work with other staff within their units and have direct contact with most of the students who are in trouble prior to their withdrawal from the District. This report includes tables showing dropout rates by ethnic group and reason for dropout and a survey of school leavers listing school, grade, means of contacting parent, reason for exit, and destination. (JHZ)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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