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Autor/inn/enD'Elia, George; und weitere
InstitutionMinnesota Univ., Minneapolis.
TitelEvaluation of the Document Delivery Service Provided by University Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, University of Minnesota. Final Report of a Research Project.
Quelle(1984), (62 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; College Faculty; Correlation; Delivery Systems; Higher Education; Information Dissemination; Library Materials; Library Research; Library Services; Library Surveys; Use Studies
AbstractThe University Library System at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus, is a decentralized system of 35 libraries spread over 3 campuses in 2 cities. This study evaluated the performance of two libraries in the system--Walter Library and the Institute of Technology Libraries--that provide document delivery services to assist faculty members in obtaining documents from any library within the system. The evaluation process entailed both analysis of past performance data and a survey of the faculties served by the two delivery services. Past performance data were cumulated and analyzed to determine the volume and the nature of the materials requested and each library's performance in filling these requests. These analyses are presented in the first part of this report. The self-administered questionnaires, which were completed by 52% of the faculty in all of the departments served by both delivery services, was designed to fulfill two objectives: to gather from the nonusers of the services data describing their reasons for nonuse and the nature and extent of their use of the university library system; and to gather from the users data describing their reasons for use, the nature and extent of their use of the library system, and their evaluations of the document delivery service. A detailed discussion of the design of the survey and the results of the data analyses are presented in the second part of the report. Appendices A and B contain copies of correspondence and questionnaires mailed to nonusers and users of the document delivery service. (THC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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