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Autor/inHodgson, Noami
TitelPost-critique, politics, and the political in educational philosophy.
QuelleIn: On education, 3 (2020) 9, S. 1-5Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
DOI10.17899/on_ed.2020.9.3 10.25656/01:23079
SchlagwörterBildung; Bildungstheorie; Erziehungsphilosophie; Pädagogik; Kritische Pädagogik; Bildungsforschung; Hermeneutik; Trennung; Ontologie; Politik; Philosophie; Soziologie; Affirmation; Kritik; Manifest
AbstractThe recent Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy introduced a specifically pedagogical register into theoretical and methodological consideration of post-critique. Focusing on a specific aspect of the Manifesto - the view that the political concerns of much critical educational research position education as instrumental to politics to the extent that the "educational" in educational research is left out of the picture - I ask to what extent we can defend the view that education and politics should be separate in our enquiries? Drawing on a particular account of the separation of education and politics I suggest that what is at issue is not the political as such but the particular, sociological, register of politics at work in critical educational research. To bracket out the political is potentially to leave everyday flesh and blood experiences of education out of the picture.
Erfasst vonInternational Centre for Higher Education Research, Kassel
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