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Sonst. PersonenGarrod, Andrew (Hrsg.); Larimore, Colleen (Hrsg.)
TitelFirst Person, First Peoples: Native American College Graduates Tell Their Life Stories.
Quelle(1997), (268 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Alaska Natives; American Indian Education; American Indians; Autobiographies; College Graduates; College Students; Culture Conflict; Educational Experience; Family Influence; Higher Education; Personal Narratives; School Holding Power; Social Support Groups; Student Adjustment; Student Attitudes; Student Experience; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis book presents 13 stories of Native American college students struggling for survival on several planes--intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual--and striving for success in their own terms in a cultural setting not their own. Although all the students attended Dartmouth College and graduated, the salient common theme of the stories is the literal and figurative journey of these students from their home communities to the culture of this predominantly White college. An introduction outlines the challenges that American Indian students face in college and the history of American Indian education at Dartmouth. The students' stories are divided into three sections that explore the cultural discontinuity experienced by many students, issues of Native identity during the college years, and the students' desires to give back to their own or the larger Native community by applying the skills they acquired through higher education. The stories are: (1) "Refuse To Kneel" (Bill Bray); (2) "I Walk in Beauty" (Davina Ruth Begaye Two Bears); (3) "A Tlingit Brother of Alpha Chi" (Ricardo Worl); (4) "First Morning Light" (Gemma Lockhart); (5) "My Grandmother and the Snake" (Nicole Adams); (6) "I Dance for Me" (Elizabeth Carey); (7) "Why Didn't You Teach Me?" (Robert Bennett); (8) "The Web of Life" (Marianne Chamberlain); (9) "Coming Home" (Arvo Quoetone Mikkanen); (10) "Machiavelli and Me" (Siobhan Wescott); (11) "My Grub Box" (Vivian Johnson); (12) "Full Circle" (Lori Arviso Alvord); and (13) "The Good Ol' Days When Times Were Bad" (N. Bruce Duthu). Includes photographs and author profiles. (SV)
AnmerkungenCornell University Press, CUP Services, 750 Cascadilla St., P.O. Box 6525, Ithaca, NY 14851 (cloth: ISBN-0-8014-3383-5, $39.95; paper: ISBN-0-8014-8414-6, $15.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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