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Sonst. PersonenEpstein, Joyce Levy (Hrsg.)
InstitutionHeath (D.C.) and Co., Lexington, MA.
TitelThe Quality Of School Life.
Quelle(1981), (298 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Environment; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Quality of Life; School Activities; School Organization; Statistical Analysis; Student Attitudes; Student Participation; Student School Relationship; Canada; Israel; West Germany; Quality of School Life Scale
AbstractThis is a collection of articles about student attitudes toward schools. Articles include: (1) a foreward by Philip W. Jackson; (2) "Patterns of Classroom Participation, Student Attitudes, and Achievements," and "Developing a Research Agenda on the Quality of School Life(QSL)," by Joyce L. Epstein; (3) "QSL School Problem Behavior, and Juvenile Delinquency," by William Wright and Carl F. Jesness; (4) "Attitudes, Values, and Motives of Classroom Facilitators and Inhibitors," by William J. Gnagey; (5) "Evaluating and Changing Classroom Settings," by Rudolf H. Moos and Thomas G. David; (6) "Choice Schemes and the QSL in West German Comprehensive Schools," by Hansjorg Scheerer; (7) "Home and School Factors and QSL in Canadian High Schools," by Geoffrey B. Isherwood and Clement K. Hammah; (8) "School Life: A Student Perspective" and "School Life: A Conceptual Model," by Geoffrey B. Isherwood and Janice A. Ahola; (9) "Development and Validation of the Israeli QSL Scale" and "Pupils' Perceptions of the Quality of Life in Advantaged and Disadvantaged Israeli Schools," by Efraim Darom and Uisrael Rich; (10) "Project PASS: Pupils' Alternative Secondary Strategies," by Douglas A. Penfield; (11) "Strategy for Improving School Programs: Affective Measures," by Jo Ann Krueger; and (12) "System-wide Educational Evaluation," by Robert W. Cross. (APM)
AnmerkungenLexington Books, D.C. Heath and Co., 125 Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02173 ($27.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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