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Autor/inEnnerberg, Elin
TitelFast track to the labour market? Experiences of learning in an active labour market policy measure for migrant teachers in Sweden.
QuelleIn: International journal for educational and vocational guidance, (2021) 2, S.429-447Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMigration; Lifelong learning; Activation; Active labour market policy; Transitions
AbstractAbstract This article analyses the case of a Swedish so-called “fast-track” programme for newly arrived migrant teachers with the use of a conceptual model of lifelong learning dimensions (Boyadjieva & Ilieva-Trichkova, 2016). The material is based on individual and focus group interviews with individual participants, public employment officers and university teachers. While some aspects of the course can be seen as transformative and allowing for intrinsic learning, the participants’ need for work often overshadowed more ambitious course goals. Nevertheless, the course provides participants with the opportunity to reflect on new aspects of teaching and broader societal values.
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