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Autor/inWhitaker, Todd
TitelLeading School Change.
How to Overcome Resistance, Increase Buy-In, and Accomplish Your Goals. 2nd ed.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (2018)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781351107938; 1351107933; 9781351107952; 135110795X; 9781351107945; 1351107941; 9781138584488; 9780815363989; 0815363982
SchlagwörterSchool improvement programs; Educational change; Educational innovations; Educational leadership; Enseignement; Réforme; Innovations; Leadership en éducation; EDUCATION; Administration; General; Organizations & Institutions; Educational sociology; School principals; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractCover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Meet the Author; 1 Leading School Change; 2 Identify the Change; 3 Make Sure the First Exposure Is Great!; 4 Determine Who Matters Most; 5 Find the Entry Points; 6 Reduce the Resistance; 7 Harness the Power of Emotion; 8 Look Past Buy-In to Action; 9 Reinforce Changed Behaviors and New Efforts; 10 Fit It All Together; References; Appendix A: Implementation Guide; Appendix B: Action Plan. "Being a cheerleader for innovation or change is great. Implementing specific strategies to increase the likelihood of success is essential. In this key book from bestselling author and speaker Todd Whitaker, you'll discover clear ways to lead and manage school change by setting realistic goals, planning your approach, and tracking your progress. You'll also find out how to work effectively with others, overcome resistance, and gain widespread acceptance. Whether you are a district leader, building leader, instructional coach, or teacher-leader, you'll come away from this book with all the tools and inspiration you need to make a positive, immediate, results-oriented change with the support of your staff. Bonus: This enhanced second edition includes a special Action Plan and Implementation Guide. The Action Plan will help you apply the ideas, step by step, to your own situation. The Implementation Guide can be used for independent reflection or as a study guide with book groups or professional learning communities."--Provided by publisher
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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