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Autor/inFriendly, Martha
TitelJoining-up and Scaling-up: A Vision for Early Childhood Education and Care
QuelleIn: Education Canada, 50 (2010) 2, S.14-18 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEarly Childhood Education; Lifelong Learning; Foreign Countries; Child Care; Educational Objectives; Partnerships in Education; Educational Policy; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Educational Planning; Statewide Planning; Program Implementation; State Action; Canada
AbstractIt has become commonplace for Canada to take last place in international comparisons of early childhood education and care (ECEC) arrangements or to be chastised and exhorted to do better. In 2007, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, following on an election commitment to bring in "full-day early learning", appointed a Special Advisor on Early Learning (ELA) to develop an implementation plan. With the publication of ELA Charles Pascal's report to the Premier in June 2009, Ontario moved into the forefront of ECEC developments across Canada. As McGuinty's 2007 ECEC election promise has begun to take shape, the coming changes to Ontario's provision of early learning and care have the possibility of leading in Canada what the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) called "a strong and equal partnership" between education and childcare to "support a lifelong learning approach from birth, encourage smooth transitions for children, and recognize ECEC as an important part of the education process." The Pascal report provides the vision, the proposals, and the rationales. However, even the best plan is only as effective as its implementation, and it is the provincial government that must put the plan in place. The Pascal report outlines a visionary plan for a joined-up, scaled-up ECEC system that would be a "first" in North America. How this happens will make a significant mark on early childhood education and care across Canada now and for some years to come. (Contains 10 notes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCanadian Education Association. 119 Spadina Avenue Suite 705, Toronto, ON M5V 1P9, Canada. Tel: 416-591-6300; Fax: 416-591-5345; e-mail: publications@cea-ace-ca; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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