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Autor/inBuzzeo, Toni
TitelLiteracy and the Changing Role of the Elementary Library Media Specialist
QuelleIn: Library Media Connection, 25 (2007) 7, S.18-19 (2 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Collaboration; Cooperative Planning; Units of Study; Literacy Education; Librarians; Library Role; Information Literacy; School Libraries; Media Specialists; Elementary School Students; Language Arts; Reading Motivation
AbstractIn this article, the author talks about the changing role of the elementary library media specialist. Unfortunately, library media specialists (LMSs) are too often left out of the literacy loop. Traditionally, their roles in literacy were to be the support team, the purveyors of books, the sometimes nearly invisible element in literacy, but this is no longer true. Today, they do not just review the books, buy the books, catalog the books, shelve the books, circulate the books, dust the books, and provide stacks of the books to teachers. Their role has moved from warehousing to consulting. They connect the contents of the books with their best readers and work collaboratively with their teachers to design units of study that incorporate literacy learning and meet content standards in information literacy as well as English language arts. They simultaneously work to promote the affective dimension of reading by instilling a love of books and reading in their students. Thus, in their changing role in literacy, they must be builders of quality collections for the LMC and the classroom, cheerleaders and promoters of the love of reading, creators of joyful reading environments and literacy centers, collaborative partners and knowledgeable teachers, and designers of collaborative literacy engagements. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLinworth Publishing, Inc. 480 East Wilson Bridge Road Suite L, Worthington, OH 43085. Tel: 614-436-7107; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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