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Autor/inGehring, John
TitelBoston University-Chelsea Match Endures
QuelleIn: Education Week, 24 (2004) 13, S.1 (3 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterFederal Legislation; Academic Achievement; Urban Schools; Educational Improvement; Educational Change; Partnerships in Education; Change Strategies; College School Cooperation; Low Income Groups; Hispanic American Students; School Districts; Immigrants; High Risk Students; Massachusetts
AbstractWhen the Tobin Bridge was built in 1950, splitting Chelsea in half and leveling homes in its wake, middle-class families began leaving for greener pastures. The "Iron Monster" became a symbol of the city's decline. By the 1980s, Chelsea was grappling with a familiar litany of urban ills. Only half its students were graduating from high school, and the city's average income was 44 percent lower than the state average. Fifteen years ago, the school system in this small city across the Mystic River from Boston was a case study in failure. Test scores languished, school buildings were a century old, and middle-class families had long since made an exodus to the suburbs. In this article, the author describes how Chelsea schools have agreed to tie up with Boston University in an effort to bring school reforms and to modernize school facilities. Today, the 5,600-student district, which serves mainly low-income Latino students, is one of only three urban districts in Massachusetts that met goals for adequate yearly academic progress under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenEditorial Projects in Education. 6935 Arlington Road Suite 100, Bethesda, MD 20814-5233. Tel: 800-346-1834; Tel: 301-280-3100; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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