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Autor/inn/enAbdekhodaee, Amir; Chase, Anne-Marie; Ross, Bella
TitelWikis for Group Work: Encouraging Transparency, Benchmarking, and Feedback
QuelleIn: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33 (2017) 5, S.15-31 (17 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBenchmarking; Feedback (Response); Web 2.0 Technologies; Accountability; Engineering Education; Student Projects; Cooperative Learning; Teamwork; Computer Mediated Communication; Undergraduate Students; Student Surveys; Focus Groups; Teaching Methods; Technology Uses in Education; Foreign Countries; Mixed Methods Research; Case Studies; Australia
AbstractTechnology is recognised as playing a part in the changing landscape in higher education; altering delivery modes and providing flexible opportunities for learning. Research into the use of wikis has shown that they provide many opportunities for student learning and the development of twenty-first century skills, however, there has been limited success in their use for collaboration. In this exploratory research, we report on a group wiki project in an engineering management unit at an Australian university. A wiki was introduced to replace the existing group report assessment to add transparency to the task. Each group had their own wiki and students were required to provide feedback to other group wikis which enabled transparency of students' report development and group progress. The research aim was to investigate student perceptions of using a wiki. Students found the wikis helpful for benchmarking their activity against their peers. Students stated that peer feedback had improved their work; however, much of the feedback given by peers was too brief to be constructive, and provided too late to be useful in guiding their work. This paper will be of interest to academics interested in using wikis in their teaching to develop feedback, transparency, and benchmarking. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAustralasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Ascilite Secretariat, P.O. Box 44, Figtree, NSW, Australia. Tel: +61-8-9367-1133; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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