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Autor/inn/enPetty, Tanjula; Thomas, Christine C.
TitelApproaches to a Successful Adult Education Program
QuelleIn: College Student Journal, 48 (2014) 3, S.473-480 (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Barriers; Learning Motivation; Adult Educators; Career Development; Literacy; Goal Orientation; Literature Reviews; Academic Persistence; Program Effectiveness
AbstractAn estimated 40 million Americans adults live their lives deprived of prosperity, pleasures, and the rewards of lifelong learning (Comings & Cuban, 2007). With the economic, social, and technical changes in society, there are shifts in the labor market (Champagne, 1987). Many adults are having to set their sights on obtaining sufficient skills to be more marketable for employment. The purposes of this literature review are to define persistence for Adult Education Program, identify barriers that are faced by adult learners, and review components of a successful adult education program. Specific review components that will be addressed include a motivational theoretical approach potentially to assist in motivate adult learners, instructors of adult education programs, career development and literacy components. Additionally, orientations and assisting adult learners with goal setting strategies that may assist them in obtaining success in the Adult Education Program. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenProject Innovation, Inc. P.O. Box 8508 Spring Hill Station, Mobile, AL 36689-0508. Tel: 251-343-1878; Fax: 251-343-1878; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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