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Autor/inRobinson, Kimberly Jenkins
InstitutionLearning Policy Institute
TitelProtecting Education as a Civil Right: Remedying Racial Discrimination and Ensuring a High-Quality Education
Quelle(2021), (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Civil Rights; Racial Discrimination; Educational Quality; Federal Legislation; State Legislation; Educational Legislation; Equal Education; Civil Rights Legislation; Educational Change
AbstractEducation has long stood at the epicenter of the battle for civil rights. Inequitable educational opportunity and achievement gaps persist in the United States in no small part because the nation provides limited protection for education as a civil right at the federal level and uneven protection at the state level. Leaders across the political spectrum have framed education as a critical civil rights issue of our time and confirmed the importance of equal educational opportunity. This consensus provides an important starting point for exploring the deeper questions surrounding what it means to protect education as a civil right in the United States. Both federal and state governments can adopt and enforce complementary legal and policy guardrails that are necessary to safeguard education as a civil right. These guardrails can embrace the legal and policymaking strengths of each level of government while ensuring that the full complement of laws and policies provides much-needed protection of access to a high-quality and equitable education for all of the nation's schoolchildren. This report explores two critical questions. First, how do existing federal and state laws and policies protect, or fail to protect, education as a civil right? Second, how can federal and state laws and policies be reformed to protect education as a civil right? The report adopts a progressive and capacious definition of a civil right to education. This definition acknowledges that many think that protecting education as a civil right would require remedying racial, national origin, and other forms of identity-based discrimination in education. This approach is an important starting point, and the work of remedying identity-based discrimination needs a more sustained and comprehensive investment to achieve this goal. However, the nation must do more than remedy racial, national origin, and other forms of identity-based discrimination to protect education as a civil right. Achieving this goal also requires the nation to make an affirmative commitment to ensuring that all children receive access to a high-quality education so that they can participate in society and flourish. The report invites policymakers to explore how federal and state laws and policies can work synergistically to protect education as a civil right. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLearning Policy Institute. 1530 Page Mill Road Suite 200, Palo Alto, CA 94304. Tel: 650-332-9797; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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