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InstitutionRuffalo Noel Levitz (RNL); OmniUpdate, Inc.
TitelHow Digital Engagement Shapes the Way High School Juniors and Seniors Choose a College. 2018 E-Expectations Trend Report
Quelle(2018), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; College Choice; High School Students; High School Seniors; Expectation; Information Sources; Web Sites; Student Costs; Student Recruitment; Advertising; Handheld Devices; Access to Information; College Applicants; Social Media; Electronic Mail; Synchronous Communication; Usability; Video Technology; First Generation College Students; Student Attitudes; Preferences; Student Needs
AbstractThe "2018 E-Expectations Trend Report" provides institutions with insights from high school juniors and seniors so institutions can engage and inform them wherever they interact with an institution online. This report answers key questions such as: (1) How do students rank admissions resources institutions provide, from most valuable to least? (2) What keeps students engaged with an institution's website, and what will undermine their experience? (3) How do students want to connect with a campus? (4) Which social media platforms matter, and how do preferences differ for juniors and seniors? and (5) What do students look for first when they visit an institution's website? These results come from a survey of 529 high school juniors and seniors conducted in spring 2018. The findings are categorized by juniors and seniors to show how their needs and expectations evolve during the search process: (1) supporting their research; (2) improving engagement; (3) engaging the college's website; (4) choosing videos and images; and (5) supporting first-generation students. These key insights align with recommended action steps colleges must take to attract students who are the best fit. [For "Discover the Keys to Greater Engagement with Both High School Students and Parents. 2017 E-Expectations Trend Report," see ED608177.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenRuffalo Noel Levitz. 1025 Kirkwood Parkway SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. Tel: 800-876-1117; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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