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Autor/inn/enKern, Nora; Kim, Suzie
InstitutionNational Charter School Resource Center (NCSRC) at Safal Partners
TitelCharter School Discipline: Examples of Policies and School Climate Efforts from the Field
Quelle(2016), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCharter Schools; Educational Environment; Discipline; Discipline Policy; School Culture; Educational Practices; Program Descriptions; Program Effectiveness; Profiles; Program Implementation; Institutional Mission; Strategic Planning; Community Needs; Total Quality Management; Sustainability; Intervention; School Effectiveness; Elementary Secondary Education; California (San Diego); Louisiana (New Orleans); Illinois (Chicago)
AbstractStudents need a safe and supportive school environment to maximize their academic and social-emotional learning potential. A school's discipline policies and practices directly impact school climate and student achievement. Together, discipline policies and positive school climate efforts can reinforce behavioral expectations and ensure student safety. However, exclusionary discipline practices, which include out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, can hinder student learning and growth. This report profiles four charter schools with innovative approaches to discipline: Health Sciences High and Middle College, KIPP Bay Area Schools, New Orleans College Prep Network, and Rowe Elementary School. The report presents each school's culture, discipline programs, results, and emerging issues. The schools profiled in this report demonstrate that charter schools can honor their mission and vision while also adopting inclusive discipline policies and practices. In addition to improving school climate, discipline reforms can also impact student achievement. For example, the profiled school networks in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the California Bay Area saw significant academic gains within three years of implementing schoolwide behavior efforts and alternative discipline policies. Public charter schools have autonomy over their mission and educational model in exchange for increased accountability for student outcomes. They must follow the same rules and regulations that traditional public schools must follow affecting health, safety, and students' rights, including those that protect students with disabilities. The design and implementation of discipline policies can pose challenges in any public school setting, but in the charter school context, tensions between charter autonomy and public school obligations can raise additional issues. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Charter School Resource Center. Available from: Safal Partners. 2900 Wilcrest Suite 416, Houston, TX 77042. Tel: 713-955-2727; Fax: 713-422-2434; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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