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Autor/inn/enJauregi, Kristi; Melchor-Couto, Sabela
TitelMotivational Factors in Telecollaborative Exchanges among Teenagers
Quelle(2017), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTelecommunications; Handheld Devices; Adolescents; Second Language Learning; Videoconferencing; Student Surveys; Student Motivation; Self Efficacy; Anxiety; Interviews; Language Usage; Native Speakers; Interpersonal Communication; Foreign Countries; Statistical Analysis; Qualitative Research; Spain; France; Netherlands; Germany; United Kingdom
AbstractMotivational factors play an important role in (language) learning processes and research indicates that this is also true for telecollaboration exchanges (Jauregi, de Graaff, van den Bergh, & Kriz, 2012; Melchor-Couto, 2017; in press). This short paper will introduce a study into how motivational factors play a role in telecollaboration exchanges by teenagers depending on the interaction constellation, the tools being used, and the telecollaborative experience. A total of 202 foreign language learners from different European countries took part in telecollaboration activities. All participants carried out an average of four telecollaborative sessions either by written chat or by video communication. Data from a survey measuring motivational factors, including self-efficacy beliefs, motivation, and anxiety, was gathered after every session. A small number of pupils were also interviewed on aspects related to motivation and anxiety. The results show: (1) a significant decrease in anxiety across conditions as sessions progress, especially for those communicating in Lingua Franca (LF) constellations using chat; (2) that pupils interacting with Native Speakers (NSs) seem to be the most confident concerning their perception of competence; and (3) that those communicating with NSs were significantly more positive about the learning potential of communicating with NSs. [For the complete volume, see ED578177.] (As Provided). La Grange des Noyes, 25110 Voillans, France. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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