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Sonst. PersonenMcCoy, Leah P. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionWake Forest University, Department of Education
TitelStudies in Teaching: 2013 Research Digest. Action Research Projects Presented at Annual Research Forum (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, June 26, 2013)
Quelle(2013), (82 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Problem Based Learning; Student Attitudes; Literacy; Teaching Methods; Environmental Education; Biology; Geometric Concepts; Multicultural Education; Research Reports; Conferences (Gatherings); Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Education; Grammar; Theater Arts; Skill Development; Film Study; Reflective Teaching; Writing Strategies; Social Studies; Primary Sources; Computer Uses in Education; Values Education; Classroom Environment; Classroom Techniques; Learner Engagement; Courseware; Action Research; Research Projects; Oral Language; Language Aptitude; Spanish; North Carolina
AbstractThis document presents the proceedings of the 18th Annual Research Forum held June 26, 2013, at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Included are the following 13 action research papers: (1) Developing Oral Language Ability in the Secondary Spanish Classroom Using the Interpersonal and Presentational Modes of Communication (Sophia Bauers); (2) Problem-Based Learning and Student Attitudes in Mathematics (Caitlin Boone); (3) "Gramma-Drama": An Exploration of Teaching Grammar through Performing Arts (Kaylin Bugica); (4) Mining for Gold on the Silver Screen: Using Film to Develop Active Literacy Skills (Beau Burns); (5) Influences of Reflective Writing in High School Biology (Laurel Clapp); (6) Multicultural Perspective Taking in Social Studies Education (Angelina Cobb); (7) Using Primary Sources to Evoke Historical Empathy (Christina Cobb); (8) Computers and Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics (Hannah Everhart); (9) Developing Empathy through Identity Enactment Techniques (Caroline Fisher); (10) Literature 2.0: An Exploration of Character using Edmodo (Christina McClain); (11) Flipping the High School Mathematics Classroom (Allison Mousel); (12) Environmental Literacy Meets English: How Students Think about Sense of Place in the Classroom (Michael Short); and (13) How Implementing Interactive Geometric Software Affects Students' Achievement, Engagement, and Attitude Towards Mathematics (Matthew Tysinger). (Individual papers contain references, tables, and figures.) (As Provided).
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