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Autor/inSuarez, Linda Maria
TitelInfluence of Technology on the Leadership of 21st-Century Career and Technical Education Administrators
Quelle(2012), (224 Seiten)
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Ed.D. Dissertation, Fordham University
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Focus Groups; Educational Technology; Cooperative Education; Leadership; Administrators; Influence of Technology; Technology Integration; Vocational Education; Qualitative Research; Administrator Attitudes; Beliefs; Interviews; Mixed Methods Research; Surveys; Content Analysis; Educational Change; Program Development; Scoring Rubrics; Questionnaires; Professional Development; Technology Planning; Educational Policy; Case Studies; Rural Schools; Suburban Schools; School Organization; New York
AbstractThe purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how the technology beliefs of New York State Career and Technical Education Board of Cooperative Education Services administrators influenced their leadership behaviors. The participants were from a purposive selection from five suburban and rural Boards of Cooperative Education Services in New York State. All of the career and technical education (CTE) administrators participated in in-depth interviews and provided data related to the transition process of antiquated CTE programs into 21st-century technology-supported CTE learning environments. To assist in triangulation, the participants completed a self-reflective survey developed by the International Society for Technology in Education to identify their perceived technology competencies. And a document review was conducted that examined classroom observations, administrator evaluations budget expenditures for technology hardware, software, and teacher professional development. Analysis of data determined the 21st-century CTE administrator is a self-taught "technology immigrant," whose technology beliefs and perceptions have little influence on the transition process of CTE programs. The study results revealed a dichotomy between the technology beliefs and perceptions of the CTE administrators and the actual frequency and efficacy of classroom technology. Recommendations for future research and practice included exploring the relationship between student achievement and a CTE technology-supported environment as well as the implications and value of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) technology policies. The following are appended: (1) Administrator Self-Reflective Survey; (2) Permission to Use ISTE [International Society for Technology in Education] Rubric; (3) Interview Questions; (4) Focus Group Questionnaire; (5) Invitation Letter; (6) Informed Consent Form; (7) IRB [Internal Review Board] Approval; and (8) Analysis of Research Findings. (Contains 2 tables and 7 figures.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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