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Autor/inn/enHirsch, Lesley; Applewhite-Coney, Erain
InstitutionEducation Law Center, Inc., Newark, NJ.
TitelTracking Progress, Engaging Communities: Abbott Indicators Summary Report--Union City, New Jersey
Quelle(2005), (68 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Facilities; Educational Improvement; Outcomes of Education; Educational Policy; Educational Planning; Educational Indicators; Urban Schools; Core Curriculum; Poverty; Elementary Secondary Education; Preschool Education; Court Litigation; Kindergarten; Educational Finance; School Law; School Districts; Equal Education; Academic Standards; Compliance (Legal); Educational Equity (Finance); Disadvantaged Schools; Equalization Aid; Foundation Programs; Program Effectiveness; New Jersey
AbstractUnion City is one of 31 urban school districts in New Jersey known as Abbott districts. As an Abbott district, Union City receives funding to equalize its per student general education budget with the most successful suburban districts in the state. Through a series of indicators, the Union City Abbott Indicators Report presents the status of educational reforms and student progress. The report is intended to: (1) Inform people in Union City about the status of school improvement efforts and student outcomes; (2) Engage stakeholders in exploring and discussing what is working and what still remains to be done; (3) Develop and put into action a plan to support school improvement; and (4) Establish a system of accountability practices that can be used for years to come. This is a summary version of the full report. Indicators about Union City as a community and students enrolled in the public schools are listed, followed by findings organized by Abbott remedy: preschool, K-12 education, and school facilities construction. Appended are: (1) Abbott Indicators List; (2) District and Community Reviewer Letters; (3) Acknowledgements; and (4) About The Education Law Center. (Contains 15 endnotes and 49 figures.) [Additional project funding was supplied by the Victoria Foundation. For full report, see ED504881.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenEducation Law Center. 60 Park Place Suite 300, Newark, NJ 07102. Tel: 973-624-1815; Fax: 973-624-7339; e-mail:, Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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