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Autor/inGrubb, Catherine A.
TitelDidn't Someone Invite Patty? How Patty Smith Hill's Vision of International Education Has Crossed the Border in a Most Unusual Place!
Quelle(2002), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEarly Childhood Education; Educational History; Educational Philosophy; Foreign Countries; International Education; Multicultural Education; Young Children; Russia
AbstractThis paper distills the history of early childhood education in Russia as a backdrop to a discussion of Patty Smith Hills visit to the nursery schools and kindergartens of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The paper begins with a discussion of the introduction of early childhood education in the late 1800s, the lack of educational advances during the hardships of the period surrounding the revolution, and Russian educator Vera Fediaevskys work and the development of an educational plan emphasizing communistic ideals. The context of Fediaevskys visit to the United States to observe and visit kindergartens and the resulting invitation to American educators to visit the nursery schools and kindergartens of Soviet Russia are described. The paper then focuses on how Patty Smith Hills subsequent experience in the Soviet Union contributed to her vision for the early childhood classroom as illustrated in a 1933 radio address "The Kindergarten Child in the New Deal." Finally, the paper considers the impact of inviting multicultural education in an early childhood program in the state of Alabama. Multicultural experiences include a study of Russian culture and language from a Russian national in the classroom for 3 weeks and an annual international festival focusing on a particular country.(Contains 22 references.) (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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