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Autor/inWeiner, Dana
TitelThe Transition of Gambian Children to New York City Public Schools.
Quelle(2002), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChildhood Attitudes; Comparative Analysis; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Foreign Countries; Immigrants; Interviews; Multicultural Education; Parent Attitudes; Parents; Student Adjustment; Student Needs; Teacher Student Relationship; Gambia
AbstractNoting the need to develop strategies to ease the transition of children from families recently arriving in the United States from Gambia into the public school system in New York City, this paper compares the school life in Gambia with that of Bronx, New York. Information on school life in Gambia was obtained through literature and through interviews of 2 parents and 4 children, ages 8 to 10 years, from Gambia presently living in the Bronx. The paper describes the typical school life of a Gambian child and notes that most students finish schooling at the age of 16. The deplorable conditions in boarding school are also described. Interviews with children revealed that they recalled similar experiences from their early childhood in Gambia, preferred school life in New York City, but missed certain aspects of their home country. Descriptions of the students' educational activities in Gambia and the United States and participation in Arabic School in the United States illustrate difficulties in making the transition to a new country, in learning a new language, and fitting into a new culture. Parents suggested strategies to ease the transition of Gambian children, including employing African teachers and teaching about Africa in the school. Additional strategies suggested in the paper include teaching children in their native language while they gradually learn English, allowing children to attend Arabic School after regular school instruction, and incorporating Internet technology into multicultural lessons. (Contains 10 references.) (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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