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Autor/inNyati-Ramahobo, Lydia
TitelLanguage Development for Literacy: The Case of Shiyeyi in Botswana.
Quelle(1998), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; African Languages; Cultural Maintenance; Developing Nations; English Only Movement; Foreign Countries; Language Acquisition; Language Attitudes; Language Maintenance; Language Minorities; Language Skill Attrition; Language Usage; Literacy Education; Multilingualism; Official Languages; Orthographic Symbols; Relevance (Education); Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Second Languages; Social Attitudes; Botswana
AbstractSince independence, the government of Botswana has allowed only the use of English in government circles, excluding the other 26 languages represented in the country and allowing only limited use of the national language, Setswana. Since 1995, however, restrictions have been relaxed and non-government organizations are developing the use of other languages. One such organization, the Kamanakao Association, is working to revive Shiyeyi, the language and culture of the Wayeyi people of northwestern and north central Botswana, the third-largest tribe in the country. To accomplish this goal, the association is implementing activities in language and literacy development, cultural development, and training in translation, cultural studies, and development of literacy materials. The association has found great support among the Wayeyi people for learning Shiyeyi, especially because most of them do not read or write the language. By February 1998, the association had completed the orthography; produced a small hymn booklet and a booklet with stories, songs and poems; and conducted three training and research workshops. Ongoing projects include grammatical descriptions, development of a dictionary, and literacy classes for youth. Future projects will include rural literacy classes; a grammar booklet; a Jesus film; and training workshops in literacy material development. (Author/KC)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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