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Autor/inRichardson, Don
InstitutionTeleCommons Development Group, Guelph (Ontario).
TitelThe Virtual Research and Extension Communication Network (VRECN): An Interactive Learning and Communication Network for Research and Extension Personnel. Concept Paper for the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).
Quelle(1999), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adult Education; Agricultural Education; Agricultural Production; Agriculture; Computer Networks; Coordination; Delivery Systems; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Extension Education; Foreign Countries; Information Needs; Information Networks; Needs Assessment; Program Development; Program Implementation; Stakeholders; Telecommunications; Canada; India
AbstractA Virtual Research and Extension Communication Network (VRECN) is a set of networked electronic tools facilitating improvement in communication processes and information sharing among stakeholders involved in agricultural development. In developing countries, research and extension personnel within a ministry of agriculture, in consultation and collaboration with key stakeholders, can develop and implement a VRECN. The tools are artifacts of a planned and ongoing process of stakeholder involvement in mapping communication- and information-sharing relationships and identifying critical relationships that require improvement to reach agricultural development and food security goals. Creating a VRECN in a developing country requires a planned process of stakeholder engagement, multi-stakeholder assessments of communication and information needs, and collaborative workshops to determine the desired characteristics of a VRECN, management relationships, and development partnerships. Six steps are to conduct project preparation, information technology assessment, and VRECN prototype development; identify product and services for VRECN; create VRECN prototype and directory; evaluate product and services; identify and secure staff support; and evaluate project. A number of tangible products result from a preplanned process for creating a VRECN, particularly through efforts to establish stakeholder needs assessments and collaborative working groups. (YLB)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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