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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionSave the Children Scotland, Edinburgh.
TitelSupporting Parents, Supporting Children: The Final Report of the Positive Parenting Project, 1999.
Quelle(1999), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Child Rearing; Cooperative Programs; Family Programs; Foreign Countries; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Education; Parenting Skills; Pilot Projects; Program Descriptions; Social Services; United Kingdom (Scotland)
AbstractThe Positive Parenting Project, developed by Scotland's Save the Children, has worked with children and families for 3 years to identify and develop structures to meet their needs for parenting support. The project, which works in collaboration with local organizations, consults widely with parents, young people, agencies, and organizations in order to develop appropriate structures and ensure that resources meet the real needs of parents. This final report describes the project's efforts and addresses the following topics pertaining to the project: (1) Where Do We Work?; (2) How Do We Work?; (3) What Do We Do?; (4) What Do These Mechanisms Provide?; (5) Who Do We Work With?; (6) What Have We Learned from This; What Works Well?; (7) What Works Well with Parents?; (8) Why Does This Approach to Support, Work Well with Parents?; (9) Other Important Factors in Providing Support; (10) Which Approaches Are Less Successful?; (11) How Do We Know That This Support Is Effective?; (12) What Do Parents Understand by Support?; (13) Approaches to Support; (14) Understanding Needs; (15) Flexible Support; (16) Informal Support; (17) Getting the Terminology Right; (18) How Do We Develop "Parenting Skills"?; and (19) How Did We Monitor and Evaluate Our Work? The report concludes by noting that the multi-layered collaborative approach used by the project has ensured the sustainability of many of the initiatives it created. (EV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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