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Autor/inShaw, Beth Hansen
TitelManaging Electronic Resources: A Survey of Current Practices in Academic Libraries.
Quelle(1999), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Academic Libraries; Access to Information; Computer Security; Databases; Electronic Mail; Higher Education; Information Technology; Internet; Library Personnel; Library Policy; Library Services; Library Surveys; Questionnaires; Reference Services; Use Studies; Users (Information)
AbstractThis document reports results of an online survey that examined practices and procedures in the management of electronic resources in 65 academic library reference departments. Responses are related to: (1) student population; (2) library use by community people; (3) number of public access workstations, workstations with World Wide Web access, and printers; (4) charging for printing; (5) online subscriptions based on IP (Internet Protocol) address, password, or student identification; (6) password security; (7) proxy servers; (8) offering off-campus students access to library databases without a proxy server; (9) desktop security; (10) use of signup sheets, time limits, identification, filtering software, age limits, and passwords for Internet workstations; (11) use of library workstations by patrons for email, games, chat rooms, or word processing; (12) limitations on Internet use by community people; (13) access to the Internet by community people from other locations on campus; (14) problems with patrons viewing pornography; (15) positions in library responsible for responding to email reference questions; (16) positions responsible for assisting with library technical problems; (17) positions responsible for purchase decisions of online database subscriptions; (18) positions responsible for implementation of online databases; (19) positions responsible for web design and implementation; and (20) library autonomy concerning computing infrastructure. (MES)
AnmerkungenFor full text: .
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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