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Autor/inn/enBollier, David; Firestone, Charles M.
InstitutionAspen Inst., Queenstown, MD.
TitelThe Networked Society: How New Technologies Are Transforming Markets, Organizations, and Social Relationships. A Report of the Annual Aspen Institute Roundtable on Information Technology (5th, Aspen, CO, August 15-18, 1996).
Quelle(1997), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Mediated Communication; Computer Networks; Information Industry; Information Networks; Information Services; Information Technology; Interpersonal Relationship; Leadership Styles; Quality Control; Technological Advancement; Trend Analysis
AbstractThis roundtable report draws on recent developments and trade press articles to show the trends and drivers that are redefining the fundamental conditions and relationships of markets, organizations, and social relationships. The report is divided into four main sections. In the first, "The New Competitive Landscape" brought on by networked technologies is described. Implications for defining quality of service and new business models are discussed, as well as the dynamics of competition in a networked environment. The second section, "How Intranets are Transforming Organizations," addresses transformations in organizational structures, leadership styles, and reward systems within companies brought on by electronic mail, intranets, and shared access to company files. The third section, "The Promise of Virtual Keiretsus," describes one model for interfirm electronic cooperation which is based on the networks of Japanese businesses that enter into long-term commitments among partners. In the final section, "Networked Environments, Community, and the New Market for Loyalty," the report examines the effect of technology on identify formation, interpersonal relationships, and community building. A list of conference participants is appended. (AEF)
AnmerkungenAspen institute, 109 Houghton Lab Lane, P.O. Box 222, Queenstown, MD 21658; phone: 410-820-5326, fax: 410-820-9174; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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