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Autor/inn/enBertot, John Carlo; McClure, Charles R.
TitelVictorian Public Libraries and the Internet: Results and Issues.
Quelle(1998), (59 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Information Systems; Internet; Library Services; Library Surveys; Online Systems; Public Libraries; Technology Integration; Use Studies; User Satisfaction (Information); Users (Information); Australia
AbstractThis study collected Victorian (Australia) public library and public library user Internet connectivity data that: provides a baseline measure of public library Internet connectivity; describes public library type and level of Internet connectivity; details public library branch Internet connectivity; reviews the costs of public library Internet connectivity; and assesses public library Internet connectivity from the perspective of librarians and users. The study describes the extent and nature of Victorian public library Internet connectivity as of August 1997. The study also describes user-based feedback on public library Internet-based services. Surveys were completed by all 42 Victorian public libraries, and user surveys were completed by 444 users. As of August 1997, 90.5% of Victorian public library services had some type of Internet connection. Overall, 58.5% of public library branches were connected to the Internet. The user survey served to: describe the types of users making use of public library public access Internet services; explore the types of Internet-related activities in which users engaged through the libraries' public access services; and measure the overall satisfaction of users with the libraries' public access services. The report also compares findings from the study with a similar survey of U.S. public library connectivity, highlighting key issues. The library service survey and user survey are appended. (Contains 20 references.) (SWC)
AnmerkungenViclink, Maribyrnong Library Service, 56 Paisley St., Footscray, Victoria 3011, Australia. Electronic version:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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